Friday, September 3, 2010

Busy Summer

When he was asked about the victory at Saratoga, George Washington said that it was a single stroke of Providence. Do you know what Providence means? It's all about our Creator, the Divine Being, (God), who watches over and guides his creations (us). In other words, the people who tell you kids that George Washington was a Deist (one who thinks God washed His hands of us after He created us) are ill-informed. They don't know what they're saying!!! There are a lot more Washington quotes to back up what I am saying now. I mention this because I was invited to sell my Johnny Vic books in Washington, DC on August 28, at the "Evening With Michelle Malkin" event sponsored by, that followed Glenn Beck's RETURN TO HONOR event. Wow. Glenn Beck loves George Washington, Martin Luther King, Abe Lincoln . . . anyone from our past--and present--who is honorable. And that's what Johnny Vic is all about! Please, please, please . . . if you are a youngster or if you're a teacher, or if you're a parent or grandparent reading this: Please check it out. Don't believe the reports. I was there. Over 400-thousand people attended the RETURN TO HONOR Rally on August 28, 2010. It was not political. It was a message to each of us to be honorable ourselves and to celebrate what IS honorable about America. You can be proud of your heritage! By the way, "Johnny Vic's Plymouth Adventures" is now available!

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